Friday, August 15, 2014

Step-by-step: In what order do I put my makeup on?

Radiant love,

Over the past few days in my comings and goings, I have encountered several things. I have seen women looking like they sniffed too many markers then went Ronald McDonald on their face and/or women that look like they have permanent angry brows >:-/ It made me think that in writing my precious blogs that I didn't consider that some ladies who are new to makeup are absolutely clueless about applying anything I have talked about it the first place. So I searched from one end of the web to the other and found a neat graphic on "how to" put your makeup on.

By no means do you HAVE TO apply your makeup in this order. I was actually pleasantly surprised that I actually do put my makeup in this order although I was never educated, told, or trained to do so. I just did it because it made sense to me. Before you go through the chart, let me say this:

Perfect! Elaborate but detailed. Wont necessarily follow it but its nice to have :)There is no amount of makeup that will make you beautiful unless and until you BELIEVE you are beautiful and deserve to be called the beautiful rose that you are! Before you wash your face, add a primer, or even a dab of foundation, be confident in who you are as an intelligent, worthwhile, and amazing woman! Once you have that down, then take care of yourself. Not only should you take great care of your face, but take great care of your body! What you eat, consume, and do to your body manifest through your skin and how you feel. Want more radiant skin with less blemishes, make sure you are drinking your recommended amount of water daily. Concerned about wrinkles, use sunscreen, don't smoke, and always apply product to your face in circular, upward motions. No matter what advice or look tutorial I give on this blog, understand that your beauty starts with what you believe. You become what you believe... YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!

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