Saturday, July 19, 2014

Our makeup trends

As I was scrolling down my timeline on Facebook yesterday, I found a very interesting article that made me reflect on the coming evolution of our makeup trends. The "Dragging" down of the Black Woman's Image noted how many of the trends that African American women are following have many of us looking like drag queens or transgender women. Drag queens? Yes! Not to give too many details of the article away, the author primarily noted that many of the techniques created by transgender men and drag queens have many of us looking plain silly. (Don't lie and say you haven't seen some women and thought "Now she knows she looks like a pure clown with all that mess on her face" or just said a simple "Girl, bye!") I found myself surprised that I agreed with many of the arguments that the author of this article wrote. Before I keep you from reading any future blog post from me, let me first explain why...

Have you ever wondered why many of us feel the need to contour our faces for a more "feminine" look or to change our features when frankly, we already have what we are trying to create? If you have ever had your makeup professionally done, you may notice that may makeup artist do not do any contouring. Many makeup artist also do not add 15 + layers of makeup to your face either to get a beautiful natural look that makes you feel like royalty inside and out. So why do we do it when we apply our own makeup? Makeup should be used to enhance our beauty, not take us from looking like our mother's child to a stranger in 2.2 seconds! What do you think of our current makeup trends and where makeup seems to be going?

*This is not a blast against transgender women or drag queens... This is just a comparison in makeup application and styles between groups*

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